Vol. 15 No. 13
Dear Friend,
The following words offered to graduating seniors recently express three priorities of our purpose as followers of Jesus Christ.  Allow these words to guide your own life and relationships.
Hold on to the God who leads you.
            Keep on trusting Jesus Christ.
            Read a portion of the Bible each day.
            Pray daily concerning the things on your heart.
Hold on to the church that feeds you;

Commit yourself to a church that teaches clearly from the Bible and that consistently invites you and helps you to follow Jesus Christ.
 Be in worship every week you are physically able to attend.
 Join a fellowship group or service opportunity with other believers in which you are known by name and encouraged in your faith.

Hold on to the world that needs you.

See yourself as sent into the world in all humility as a person who speaks and acts on        behalf of Jesus Christ in your home, your school, your workplace, and your   community.

Joy to you – 
E. Stanley Ott                                 
Building One Another

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