Vol. 15 No. 7

Dear Friend,
Ever walked in a swamp? I have many times and the question is always, “where is a firm place for me to put my foot down for my next step?’
We need a firm place, a solid place to place our foot, to build a building or construct a road. 
We need a firm foundation upon which to base and build our personal lives.
Jesus spoke of the person who built a house on sand and the wind blew and rains came and the house fell.  Wind, rain, and uncertainty do come into our lives. 
We need a solid place, a place of security and shelter, a place of promise upon which to base our lives.
The psalmist wrote, “The Lord is my Rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my Rock, in whom I take refuge” (Ps. 18:2).
The apostle Paul spoke to the Corinthian church of, “the gospel I preached to you, which also you received and on which you have taken your stand.”
Jesus Christ is the Rock of Ages, the absolutely reliable dependable Son of God who offers you a place to stand. 
Whatever currents of activity and demand swirl around your life, what ever presses you from without or within, remember the Rock, and find refuge in him.

Joy to you – 
E. Stanley Ott                                

Building One Another

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