For Gen Z, Revival Is Not a Bandwagon

Christian students aren’t afraid to ask questions and continue to seek the “still, small voice” of the Spirit.

Today’s college students know their generation can be skeptical—cynical, even—when it comes to big Christian movements. Young believers recognize that claims of God at work can be faked or manipulated, so they would rather ask questions and do their research before adding their “yes and amen” to the cause.

For Generation Z, this sense of discernment can be a strength when it comes to how they approach the revivals taking place on college campuses across the US this month.

When a week-long revival broke out at Samford University in Birmingham—one of several schools whose chapels filled following news of spiritual outpouring at Asbury University—Bethany Walters wanted to stop and pray before jumping in.

“I think with any type of social movement I am more skeptical,” said Walters, a first-year student. “I did not go because I was afraid that it was me wanting to be a part of something without really pausing and thinking about how that would affect me or my relationship with the Lord.”

Christian college students across the country told CT that they were impressed that Asbury and other schools prioritized student-led worship and resisted calls to livestream the events. They said they were encouraged to hear reports of reconciliation and revival and stirred to seek the Spirit’s work in their own lives.

But they still had questions—and didn’t immediately assume that what happened elsewhere should take the same format at their school.

“Whenever you’re trying to copy something that’s happening at one school and bring it to another, that does raise the question of, ‘Is this genuine stuff that’s happening, or is it being kind …

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