Christians Give at Record Levels to Fund Israel Relief

The war has spurred millions in donations to ministries that provide everything from emergency supplies to security gear for future attacks.

When war broke out in Israel, organizations and ministries working in the country put crisis plans into action. They called up trained workers and volunteers, retrieved supplies from stocked warehouses, and drove bulletproof vehicles to deliver aid to victims and gear to first responders.

And they looked to Christians in the US and around the globe to help fund their efforts.

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) has received millions in donations since the war broke out, more than any other two-week period in its history.

Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which calls itself the largest pro-Israel organization in the US, sent $ 1 million to fund first responders within days of the October 7 barrage and continues to fundraise.

And The Joshua Fund, founded by Christian author Joel Rosenberg, has collected over $ 685,000 in donations. The organization is operating 21 aid distribution centers, delivering pallets of toilet paper, bottled water, and other supplies.

“We’ve had literally thousands of new donors, and giving to our Rapid Response Fund has never been greater,” said executive director Carl Moeller. “So many of our donors just want to know how to pray—and to let people over there know that believers in the US are praying and giving to meet their needs.”

Around half of US evangelicals consider support for Israel and the Jewish people to be an important priority in their charitable behavior. For years, giving to nonprofits that work in the Holy Land has been on the rise. Some rank among the biggest Christian charities in the US.

“We were able to mobilize immediately because of the partnerships we have,” said Yael Eckstein, president and CEO of the International Fellowship …

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