Dear Friend, Consider all of the guests who will attend worship services over the next seven days. Some will come because they are accompanying members of their families or good friends. Others will come out of some inner urge. For whatever reason they come, their presence is your opportunity for ministry. Have the grace… Read More
To honor someone is a wonderful and a dangerous thing, prone to all sorts of mischief. “Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor… Read More
Pastor Lillian Daniel’s sermon is on Prayers for a Jazzy New Year, with a poetic blessing text from Jeremiah 31:7-14. It seems appropriate for this occasion that we also share the sacrament of communion to begin the year in the right spirit. The Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel, First Congregational United Church of Christ Dubuque, IA
The world just got its most urgent warning yet about rising temperatures and the suffering they will cause. Earth’s climate continues to erode faster than expected, a United Nations panel said in a Feb. 28 report. But there’s still time… The post Dire climate report prompts call for church action; UCC offers ways to respond… Read More
“The way that they fast is incredibly intense.” That’s one important thing people should know about Ramadan if they are sponsoring newcomers from Afghanistan. A refugee resettlement expert made that point March 2 in launching a series of webinars about Islam’s holy month, which starts April 2. People can learn what their Afghan guests will… Read More
United Church of Christ members put love in action with every gift they make to One Great Hour of Sharing. In 2021, love provided clean water for school children in Zimbabwe. Through Christian Care, an arm of the Zimbabwe Council… The post ‘Love Remains’ — long-term and worldwide — through One Great Hour of Sharing… Read More