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  • LENT

    Vol. 15 No. 3 Dear Friend,  Beginning with Ash Wednesday and lasting until Easter, Lent is the season of the year in which the follower of Jesus Christ is invited to review and renew the depth of his or her commitment to Jesus Christ. A Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, one of the great… Read More


    Vol. 15 No. 4 Dear Friend, Easter Sunday we celebrate the most significant event in all of history and eternity. Something overwhelming, stupendous, and unexpected happened on that first Easter. Jesus Christ, killed on a cross and truly dead, was raised to life. Indeed, Jesus Christ truly is alive…             not merely alive when we… Read More

  • Half of Americans Rule Out Pentecostal Churches

    Survey finds nondenominational churches have the least baggage in people’s minds. Most Americans are open to a variety of denominations of Christian churches, including many people of other faiths or no faith at all. Americans have a wide range of opinions and impressions about Christian denominations, but most won’t rule out a church based on… Read More


    Vol. 15 No. 5                                                                                     Dear Friend, Hospitality is the practice of the open door.  Whenever you welcome someone into your home for conversation, or a meal, or to stay overnight you are practicing hospitality.  You are practicing hospitality whenever you include anyone with you in anything you are doing. Indeed, hospitality goes deeper than… Read More

  • Tribalism’s Awful Antidote

    We’re made to have a herd. Made to transcend it, too. “This is awful.” That’s what a pastor said to me recently about the tribalization he sees not just in the culture but in his own church. The angriest debates are not over whether a claim is true, but over what side a person has… Read More


    Vol. 15 No. 6                         Dear Friend, Preparation is basic for most of the events of life.  Before the baseball game, the players prepare.  Before the farmer sows seed, the ground is prepared.  Before a dramatic performance, the actors prepare. Preparation is basic to our spiritual lives as well. Bobby Knight, the basketball coach at… Read More