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  • Ecclesiastes Is the Story of Abel Writ Large

    Biblical Hebrew uses similar names for “vanity” and the slain brother. That’s no accident. “Meaningless! Meaningless!” So says Qohelet, the author of Ecclesiastes, as he begins his reflections. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” For many, these words resound with a skeptical and, some may say, nihilistic tone. But must they? Russell L. Meek, a gifted… Read More


    Vol. 15 No. 7    Dear Friend, Ever walked in a swamp? I have many times and the question is always, “where is a firm place for me to put my foot down for my next step?’ We need a firm place, a solid place to place our foot, to build a building or construct… Read More

  • Rachael Denhollander Calls for a Southern Baptist Reckoning on Abuse

    Denhollander and Russell Moore respond to the third-party investigation of sexual abuse in the SBC. Rachael Denhollander is horrified by the information inside the monumental third-party investigative report into sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). But she’s not surprised. “The most sobering part,” Denhollander tells CT public thologian Russell Moore, “is that we… Read More


    Vol. 15 No. 8 Dear Friend, One of most beautiful things written about speech may be found in the Book of Proverbs: A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver [Pr 25:11 NIV]. Wow!  To be able to say the right word, the helpful word, the encouraging, correcting, guiding, blessing… Read More


    Vol. 15 No. 9 Dear Friend, Sometimes we love changes in life… a newborn baby, a new season, a new friend. At other times we dislike change… something becomes different about a friend or our home or work or church that we preferred the way it was before. We embrace the changes we choose for… Read More


    Vol. 15 No. 10   Dear Friend, In this season of football playoffs, you can tune in and watch exceedingly strong men tossing each other around like so many toothpicks. Their strength is remarkable. Consider the various kinds of strength people have in addition to the strength of their physical bodies:             strength of character,… Read More