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  • Christianity Today’s 2024 Book Awards

    Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture. Think of something big and important happening in the world—some cultural trend, political movement, or social craze. Chances are that someone, somewhere, has proposed giving it a distinctly “Christian” or “biblical” framing. Some of these efforts, aimed at glorifying God in… Read More

  • How Can Older Believers Better Support Gen Z?

    The next generation values open-mindedness and is highly skeptical of religious institutions. But they haven’t given up on God. In 2021, Springtide Research Institute put out a report on the “State of Religion and Young People.” From the data, the institute identified a trend they called “faith unbundled.” 53% of young people said, “I agree… Read More

  • Blessed Are the Thrifty?

    Jesus’ teachings challenge how we spend when money is tight. In May, Italy’s government called an emergency meeting over the rising prices of pasta. Italians have also been hit in the pocketbook by high natural gas prices, an expense of boiling water for cooking. In 2022, the Italian government recommended reducing how long home cooks… Read More

  • There Is an Edge to Living on the Edge

    My outsider experiences have only strengthened my confidence in God’s goodness and sovereignty. Four years ago, I embarked on a master’s program at a theologically conservative seminary. As a Black, politically liberal woman, I stood out from most of my classmates. I’m toward the lower end of the income scale compared to most of my… Read More

  • Why Prison Ministries Are Growing

    Adaptations for COVID-19 are helping Christians reach incarcerated people, with eager cooperation from government officials. To reach the chapel at the Chillicothe Correctional Institution in rural southeast Ohio, volunteers from the worship team at Rock City Church navigate a maze of checkpoints. First, they sign in and show identification. One state prison official stamps their… Read More