Vol. 16 No. 7          July 4, 2017 Dear Friend, We know that God hears our prayers regardless of our physical posture. At the same time, physical posture can help us focus on our Lord. Many of the people appearing in the Bible are looking down when they pray: “…and when they… Read More


    Vol. 16 No. 8           August 8, 2017 Dear Friend, The practice of the Christian faith is three dimensional – 3D – doxological– giving praise to God, communal – growing in interpersonal relationships, and missional – engaging our world on behalf of our Lord.  In other words, we are to face up, face in, and face… Read More


    Vol. 16 No. 9 September 5, 2017 Dear Friend, We “face up” to enjoy our relationship with our loving Lord, we “face in” as we grow in friendships of the heart with others who follow our Lord. We “face out” as we engage our world on behalf of our Lord with missional intent. This passage… Read More