Vol. 14 No. 24                          
Dear Friend,
Consider these words from the famous one hundred and third Psalm:
            Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me,
            Bless His holy name.
            Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all of his benefits (Psalm 103:1-2).
Basic to the practice of giving thanks is the practice of remembering, of recalling God’s many benefits in your life.
This Thanksgiving, remember God’s benefits to you:
            The people God has placed in your life to bless you and to lift you.
            The events in your life that God has used to encourage you.
            The things in your life that God has given you to help you.
Thanking God for the many specific benefits He has placed in your life will help you grow in the overall attitude of thanksgiving.
The giving of thanks helps you see that God is at work in your life, that God loves you deeply and that God demonstrates that work and love in very specific ways in your life.
God’s greatest gift was His own son, Jesus Christ.
Remember the work of Jesus Christ today, his ministry on this earth, his death on the cross for you and me, and his present work in our lives as we trust Him by faith.

Joy to you – 
E. Stanley Ott                                 
Building One Another

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